2017년 9월 22일 금요일
[용어] actuarial death age, ....
※ 발췌 (excerpt):
출처 1: https://www.bogleheads.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=59697
"If you die before your actuarial life expectancy, the life insurance strategy is a winning gamble. If you live longer it is a losing gamble. You are paying somebody to manage this gamble (the insurance company)."
"the insurance strategy is slightly worse at the actuarial death age and gets worse if you die older. You only win if you die 'young.' Not a pleasant thought."
출처 2: http://www.thehonestapothecary.com/2014/12/01/life-insurance-your-buy-sell-agreement/
When the purpose of the insurance is to cover a death need only up to the shareholder's 65th or even 70th birthday, term insurance is often used. It is usually purchased for a period of 10, 15, 20, or 30 years at a level premium. Beyond that level period, the coverage will run out, no longer be renewable, or experience a significant premium increase due to the advanced age of the insured.
Term life insurance does provide two distinct advantages:
- The initial outlay (premium) will be lower than permanent insurance and
- When the after-tax earnings of the business are high enough, the time value of money may favor using term, but only provided the company invest the difference in the business and the business profitability is continuous for the long-term. (Note: it works in theory but rarely in practice)
A disadvantage of term insurance is it only provides protection against one tirggering event -- death. Permanent insurance may provide greater coverage for more than one triggering event and, therefore, be more economical.
( ... ... ) Permanent life insurance provides numerous advantages over term insurance.
( ... ... ) The cash values in the policy can be used to provide a low cost loan or collateral assets for a business need or fund a lifetime buyout. The reason higher premiums are paid in early years is to internally build cash value in a tax-efficient manner to keep the policy in force until the insured's actuarial death age when the cost of insurance becomes prohibitively expensive.
출처 3: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_spiral_(insurance)
Death spiral is a condition of the insurance market in which costs rapidly increase as a result of changes in the covered population. It is the result of adverse selection in insurance policies in which lower risk policy holders choose to change policies or be uninsured. The term is found in the academic literature at least as early as Cutler and Zeckhauser's 1998 paper, "Adverse Selection in Health Insurance", which refers explicitly to an "adverse selection death spiral".
출처 4: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life_table
In actuarial science and demography, a life table (also called a mortality table or actuarial table) is a table which shows, for each age, what the probability is that a person of that age will die before his or her next birthday ("probability of death"). In other words, it represents the survivorship of people from a certain population.
출처 5: http://m.koreatimes.com/article/20170727/1068318
( ... ) 예전만 해도 100세는 꿈의 숫자지만 요즘은 100세를 넘기는 사람들이 속속 늘어나면서 생명보험 업계가 생명보험 만기 연령을 100세에서 120세로 늘리고 있다. 그런데 예전에 판매된 생며보험 중 상당수의 보험의 만기 연령이 100세로 돼 있다는 것이 문제다. 100세가 넘으면 더 이상 생명보험 유지가 되지 않는다. 다시 말해 사망 보험금을 더 이상 지불해주지 않는다는 뜻이다. 백수를 누리는 노인들의 원성이 크다. 대신 그동안 보험에 적립된 저축금이나 현금 가치를 찾아야 하는데 이럴 경우 세금을 내야 한다. ( ... )
출처 6: ...
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