
2017년 8월 31일 목요일

[발췌: 영화] Groundhog Day (사랑의 블랙홀, 1993) and an insurance salesman Ned

출처 1: http://media.gunaxin.com/a-tribute-to-groundhog-days-ned-ryerson/44283

( ... ... ) Aside from Phil, the funniest character in the movie is insurqnce salesman Ned "Needle Nose" Ryerson. Bing! Played by actor Stephen Tobolowsky, he does virtually the same scene five times (and once more that is a bit different), but each one is unique and leaves us craving more. The Masters of None folks did a "Groundhog Day - The Lost Radio Tapes" podcast with Tobolowsky that you should check out. ( ... ... )

출처 2: http://www.whysanity.net/monos/groundhog.html

Ned: Phil? Hey! Phil? Phil? Phil Connors, Phil Connors I thought that was you.

Phil: Hi, How you doin? Thanks for watching.

Ned: Hey, hey. Now don't you tell me you don't remember me because I sure as heck-fire remember you!

Phil: Not a chance (chuckless)

Ned: Ned! Ryerson! Needle-nosed Ned, Ned the head, come on buddy, Case Western High! Ned Ryerson... I did the whistling belly button trick at the high school talent show - Bing! Ned Ryerson got the shingles real bad senior year almost didn't graduate - bing again! Ned Ryerson I dated your sister Mary Pat a couple times til you told me not to anymore... well?

Phil: Ned Ryerson?

Ned: Bing!

Phil: (less enthousiastic) Bing. So did you turn pro with that belly button thing Ned, or...

Ned: No. Phil, I sell insurance.

Phil: (sarcastically) What a shock!

Ned: Do you have life insurance? Cause if you do, you can always use a little more. Am I right, or am I right or am I right? Right? Right? Right?

Phil: Ned, I would love to stand here and talk with you... but I'm not going to.

Ned: (laughing) Oh...

Phil: See ya.

Ned: Hey, that's all right! I'll walk with you. You know whenever I see an opportunity now I change it like a bull! "Ned the Bull", that's me now. You know I've got friends of mine who lived and die by the actuarial tables and I say, "Hey! it's all one big crap shoot any hoot." Tell me, have you ever heard of single premium life? Because I think that really could be the ticket for you--oh, god! It is SO good to see you! Uh, what are you doing for dinner?

Phil: Something else. It's been great seeing you, Needlehead. Take care.

(Phil steps into an icy puddle)

Ned: (laughs obnoxiously) Watch out for that first step, it's a doozie! (continues laughing)

출처 3: http://www.shortlist.com/entertainment/films/this-fan-theory-of-groundhog-day-will-change-how-you-see-the-film-forever

Here’s what you probably know about Groundhog Day...

It’s a seminal early nineties comedy. It stars Bill Murray as grouchy Pittsburgh weatherman Phil Connors, reluctantly sent to cover a yearly groundhog tradition in the small town of Punxsutawney, where he finds himself doomed to repeat the same day over and over (and over) again. ( ... ... ) Well here comes something you probably didn’t know – and it could just alter your take on this classic film forever.

Trouble is... Phil’s dead. Well, at any rate, he’s dying, never to return to mortality and scold another colleague again. ( ... ... )

They say that when someone dies the brain keeps going and cells continue to activate while the rest of the body does not. Well this is exactly that, as Phil’s own mind condenses what feels like a thousand years of activity in little more than a few seconds. Why else do you think he spends a near eternity meeting and greeting the same odd little characters encountered in the past 24hrs? And so there he lies, skull bashed in, possibly on the floor of his room, his brain replaying all the previous day's events. ( ... ... )

But wait, it gets darker still... One of the most memorable scenes in the film, you may recall, involves Phil bumping into an old acquaintance on his walk into town on that first Groundhog Day morning.

That man is Ned Ryerson. You know, NED RYERSON. Needlenose Ned, Ned the Head, Case Western High alumnus who did the whistling belly-button trick at the talent show? Got the shingles real bad senior year, almost didn't graduate? Bing! That’s him.

“Single Premium Life”? Figured it out yet?

At this point you may be thinking that Ned’s actually a con-man, fully aware this TV personality would be making his seventh trip for Groundhog Day and that by doing his homework to fake a backstory about long ago kinship he might be able to scam poor Phil out of his savings – only it’s worse than that. Ned Ryerson is The Devil.

Those eyes, the gazed, crazed expression; it’s so obvious something was off about this loner. Tobolowsky wasn’t just playing an oddball, he was playing Satan himself; the Prince of Darkness; the Fallen One, attempting to collect Phil’s soul before his brain fully shuts off and he transcends into the afterlife. ( ... ... )

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