
2017년 8월 6일 일요일

Dic/ non-strategic assets

strategic assets: Assets that are needed by an entity in order for it to maintain its ability to achieve future outcomes. Without such assets the future well being of the company could be in jeopardy.

... http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/strategic-assets.html

( ... ) A non-strategic asset is the equipment you need to run your business, but which is not part of your core business and which does not directly contribute to its valuation. A non-strategic equipment has a decreasing value that diminishes more or less rapidly over time. Non-strategic assets can be essential or accessory but are not what an investor counts on first to bring in some capital. Some of the examples of non-strategic assets include logistical equipment used for distribution, office premises, in general, the majority of industrial capacity tools (machine-tools, etc.). Thus, it is important for a company to focus on building more strategic assets while liquidating Non-Strategic Assets, especially the ones which have the tendency to turn into idle assets. ( ... )

... https://salvagespace.com/blog/non-strategic-asset-identification/

As part of plan to boost profits and focus its business, Yahoo announced a streamlining effort that will include the sale of “non-strategic” assets and a workforce reduction of 15%, or about 1,600 jobs. Yahoo said it’s exploring the divestiture of assets that include non-strategic patents and the sale of some real estate, believing that the efforts will bring in between $1 billion to $3 billion in cash.

... http://www.multichannel.com/news/content/yahoo-sell-non-strategic-assets/397067

Banks speed up the sale of non strategic assets in order to reinforce their capital. Those institutions that have receive financial aid, such as Bankia, Catalunya Banc or NCG Banco, are the most active ones when negotiating disinvestmentsm as imposed by Brussels. Nevertheless, healthy institutions are also taking the initiative.

... https://www.auraree.com/real-estate-news/banks-speed-sale-non-strategic-assets-order-reinforce-capital/

실적 부진으로 위기에 몰린 야후가 대규모 감원에 나선다. 야후는 2일(현지시간) 지난해 4분기 매출이 10억 달러로 전년 동기 대비 15% 줄었다며, 전체 직원의 15%를 감원하고 핵심 인터넷 사업을 대체할 '전략적 대안'을 찾겠다고 밝혔다고 AP 통신 등이 보도했다. ( ... ) 또 야후는 부동산과 특허 등 비전략적 자산도 모두 매각하는 등 사업구조 개편을 통해 핵심 기능만 남길 예정이다.

... http://radiokorea.com/news/article.php?uid=209110

코메르츠방크는 앞서 유동성 확충 방안을 내놨다. 총 300억유로에 달하는 위험자산을 줄여 27억유로의 자본을 확충하고, 하이브리드채권과 비전략적 자산을 매각해 추가로 26억유로를 마련한다는 방침이다.

... http://www.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?SCD=DD43&DCD=A10404&newsid=01856486596478520

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