
2017년 6월 21일 수요일

Dic: 용어/ incentive aligning

─ 용례: incentive aligning, incentive alignment ...

─ 관련 (대구를 이루는) 용례: misaligned incentives, perverse incentives

─ 예문:
  • A supply chain works well if its companies' incentives are aligned─that is, if the risk, costs, and rewards of doing business are distributed fairly across the network. For reasons that we shall later discuss, if incentives aren't in line, the companies' actions won't optimize the chain's performance. ( ... )
  • Even with the best intentions and highest moral standards, true incentive alignment which rewards only behaviors that positivesly affects all stakeholders can be very difficult to achieve. In his famed scholarly article, "On the Folly of Rewarding A While Hoping for B" published in 1975, Steven Kerr of Ohio State Univ. delved into the topic and provided several examples of misaligned incentives: ( ... ) 
  • ( ... ) This problem of ensuring that people have the impetus to do what others are counting on them to do─in economese, that's aligning incentives─has become central over the last one hundred years as companies have grown dramatically in scale. That's what the corporate governance scandal of the early 20001 (Enron and Worldcom) were about, ( ... ... ) The Wells Fargo scandal of 2016 provides yet another example of misaligned incentives with large societal costs. ( ... ... ) Agency theory is the part of finance about the ways we can solve that underlying problem of misaligned incentives.

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