
2017년 4월 3일 월요일

Dic/ proprietary data

※ 발췌 (excerpts):

1. 출처: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/proprietary-data.html

Internally generated data or documents that contain technical or other types of information controlled by a firm to safeguard its competitive edge. Proprietary data may be protected under copyright, patent, or trade secret laws. See also proprietary know how.

2. 출처: http://thelawdictionary.org/proprietary-data/

3. 출처: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-proprietary-data.htm

4. 출처: http://www.newsweek.com/proprietary-data-artificial-intelligence-newsweek-conference-562920

Michael Beal, CEO of London-based hedge fund Data Capital Management, speaks with Newsweek senior writer and finance editor Leah McGrath Goodman about why he isn't a fan of using proprietary data, and how traders need to have "the skill or the will" to join Wall Street's wave of quantitative traders. ( ... ... )

5. 출처: http://dic.impact.pe.kr/ecmaster-cgi/search.cgi?kwd=store+data

A. Establishing Business Proprietary treatment of Information
A. 정보의 영업비밀 취급 규정

Section 351.304 sets forth rules concerning the treatment of business proprietary information in general. ( ... )
제351.304조는 영업비밀정보의 취급에 관한 규칙을 설명하고 있다. ( ... )

All business proprietary information must be stored in file cabinets, desk drawers or boxes to the extent possible. When business proprietary data is left in offices which are not occupied by an analyst at the time, the office door should be locked.
모든 영업비밀정보는 가능한 파일 캐비닛이나, 책상서랍이나 박스에 보관 되어져야 한다. 조사관이 외출중일때에 영업비밀자료가 사무실에 남겨져 있는 경우에는 사무실 문을 잠가야 한다. ( ... )

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