
2017년 1월 20일 금요일

[외서 신간] 에코노크라시: 경제학을 전문가들에게 맡기는 건 위험천만 (2016년 11월)

  • 서명: The econocracy: The perils of leaving economics to the experts
  • 저자: Joe Earle, Cahal Moran and Zach Ward-Perkins
  • 출판사/출판일: Manchester University Press, 2016년 11월

출판사 책소개
  • [추천사] 장하준: 'Economics has become the organising principle, the reigning ideology, and even the new religion of our time. And this body of knowledge is controlled by a selective priesthood trained in a very particular type of economics - that is, Neoclassical economics. In this penetrating analysis, based on very sophisticated theoretical reflections and highly original empirical work, the authors show how the rule by this priesthood and its disciples is strangling our economies and societies and how we can change this situation. It is a damning indictment for the economics profession that it has taken young people barely out of university to provide this analysis. Utterly compelling and sobering.'
  • [추천사] 스키델스키: 'A rousing wake-up call to the economics profession to re-think its mission in society, from a collective of dissident graduate students. Their double argument is that the 'econocracy' of economists and economic institutions which has taken charge of our future is not fit for purpose, and, in any case, it contradicts the idea of democratic control. So the problem has to be tackled at both ends: creating a different kind of economics, and restoring the accountability of the experts to the citizens. The huge nature of the challenge does not daunt this enterprising group, whose technically assured, well-argued, and informative book must be read as a manifesto of what they hope will grow into a new social reform movement.'

▷ 서평

▷ 도서 출간 기념 연설 (2016년 11월): 잉글랜드은행 수석 이코노미스트, 앤드류 홀데인(Andrew Haldane)
잉글랜드은행의 2인자라고 일컬어지는 그는 당국자로서 2008년 금융 위기를 겪었으며, 거대 은행의 대차대조표를 '블랙홀 중에서도 가장 캄캄한 블랙홀'이라고 지적한 바 있다.


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