
2016년 12월 12일 월요일

[자료: Finance, Film] Master of the Universe

Surviving a German Trading Floor, Ruefully: ‘Master of the Universe,’ a Documentary About Stock Trading (NICOLAS RAPOLD, NYT, JUNE 5, 2014)

Film Review: ‘Master of the Universe’ (Jay Weissberg, Variety, June 6, 2014)
... Walking through empty spaces that were one trading pits and meeting rooms, Voss expresses an almost religious zeal when speaking about the adrenaline rush that once suffused the air, where traders' desks made their occupant truly feel like Masters of the Universe (a term coined by Tom Wolfe). ...
CF. The Bonfire of the Vanities (Wikipedia)
The story centers on Sherman McCoy, a wealth New York City bond trader with a wife and young daughter. His life as a self-regarded "Master of the Universe" on Wall Street is destroyed when he and his mistress, Maria Ruskin, accidentally enter the Bronx at night while they are driving to Manhattan from Kennedy Airport. Finding the ramp back to the highway blocked by trash cans and a tire, McCoy exits the car to clear the way. Approached by two black men whom they perceive—uncertainly, in Sherman's case—as predators, McCoy and Ruskin flee. Having taken the wheel of the car, which fishtails as they race away, Ruskin apparently strikes one of the two—a "skinny boy". ...

Greenwich Time (Tom Wolfe, NYT, Sept 27, 2008)

... Victory as recorded on those screens made them feel like Masters of the Universe. The phrase came from a 1987 novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities, whose main character, Sherman McCoy, is a 38-year-old trading-floor salesman for an investment bank averaging a million dollars a year in bonuses and living on the top-nob part of Park Avenue. One day his trading-floor telephone rings, and he picks it up and takes a buy order for so many zero-coupon bonds his commission will be $50,000. Took 20 seconds, maybe 30, and—just like that—he’s $50,000 richer! The words suddenly flash into the Broca’s area of his brain: “I’m a Master of the Universe!” Jesus Christ!—came straight from his 6-year-old daughter’s toy set of plastic figurines, the “Masters of the Universe,” who had names like Ahor, Blutong, and Thonk and look like Norse gods who pump iron and drink creatine and human-growth-hormone smoothies. ... 

금융자본의 탐욕을 다룬 영화들 (문석, 레디앙, 2012년 7월 10일)
... 오죽하면 톰 울프가 자신의 소설 <허영의 불꽃>(브라이언 드 팔마가 같은 제목으로 영화화하기도 했다)에서 트레이더인 주인공 셔먼 맥코이(영화에서는 톰 행크스가 연기)를 ‘우주의 지배자’(master of the universe)라고 묘사했겠나. ...
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