
2016년 9월 14일 수요일

[발췌: Alwyn Young's] The African Growth Miracle (2012)

출처: Alwyn Young, “The African Growth Miracle,” NBER Working Paper 18490. October 2012.

※ 발췌 (excerpt):

In a similar vein, although the on-line United Nations National Accounts database provides GDP data in current and constant prices for 47 sub-Saharan countries for each year from 1991 to 2004, the UN statistical office which publishes these figures had, as of mid-2006, actually only received data for just under half of these 1410 observations and had, in fact, received no constant price data, whatsoever, on any year for 15 of the countries for which the complete 1991-2004 on-line time series are published.

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