
2016년 6월 15일 수요일

Dic/ (예문) not only because ... not least because ...

This explicitly lesbian concern is in marked contrast to the anxieties the dominant culture, as represented by the woman from the American Cancer Society's Reach for Recovery, imagines mastectomy survivors' experience. Wielding a pink "flesh colored" prosthesis, the woman's focus is on breast cancer survivors' appearance─"Her message was you are just as good as you were before because you can look exactly the same. ... 'Look at me,' she said. ... 'Now can you tell which is which?'" (1980, 42). Lorde rejects the prosthesis not only because it does not look the same (not least because of its racially inflected pinkness) but, more important, because "not even the most skillful prosthesis in the world could ...  feel the way my breast had felt, and either I would love my body one-one-breasted now, or remain forever alien to myself"


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