
2015년 9월 5일 토요일

Dic / Expression: There is more to something than something else

Some explanation:
This expression is a statement of wisdom. By saying this, you are suggesting that one should not place so much importance on a little thing. Here are some examples.
1. Pavel tells his young daughter Yulia, "Honey, there is more to life than just an iPhone."
2. Grandpa told me that there is more to life than worrying about money.

※ Sample sentences found through Internet search:
There is more to context than location.
There is more to myself than anyone has so far discovered. 
There is more to obesity than kilocalories.
There is more to life than manufacturing.
There is more to 'tears' than meets the eye.
There is more to accounting than book-keeping.
There must be more to life than this.
There is more to poverty than economics.
There is more to leadership than leading.
There is more to steel than steel.
There is more to diversity than statistics.
There is more to gold than mere capital appreciation.
There is more to methodology than method. There is much more to evaluation than collecting, analyzing, and interpreting scientific data in order to compare the outcomes of vious treatments.
There is more to grapes than wine.
There is more to climate than carbon dioxide.
There is more to anxiety than nervous thoughts. Anxiety causes significant physical symptoms, some of which are triggered by the activation of your fight or flight system, others of which are triggered by how you respond to your anxiety. ( ... more to read ... ) 
There is more to sharing than taking turns.
There is more to competitiveness than low labor rates.
There is more to black successes than ghetto stories.
There is more to biodiversity than the tropical rain forests.
There is more to personal finance than investing.
There is more to Brazil than football.
There is more to concrete than cement.
There is more to ethics than principles.
There is more to Germany than Berlin.
There is more to aptitude than cognitive capacities.
There is more to accounting than numbers.
There is more to lemons than Vitamin C.
There is more to calcium than bone health, but is glucose management part of the "more"?
There is more to central banking than inflation targeting.
There is more to life than marriage.

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