
2015년 9월 21일 월요일

[발췌: D. Collins et al's Portfolios of the Poor] 6. Rethinking Microfinance: The Grameen II Diaries

출처: Daryl Collins, Jonathan Morduch, Stuart Rutherford & Orlanda Ruthven, ^Portfolios of the Poor: How the World’s Poor Live on Two Dollars a Day^, Princeton University Press, 2009.
자료: http://www.portfoliosofthepoor.com/book.asp; 구글도서; ...


※ 발췌 (excerpts): pdf p. 179/188 ~

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Chapter 6


( ... ... ) But Grameen found itself in trouble in the late 1990s. Loans were no longer being repaid at the on-time rate of 98 percent that the bank had long advertised: in some areas it had fallen below 75 percent. In 1998 a devastating flood, one of the worst in the country’s history, damaged many millions of households and exacerbated Grameen’s problems by a further dramatic erosion of loan repayment. The bank had a crisis on its hands.

   It responded with a major rethink; old premises were discarded, new approaches ( ... ) were brought on board. In 2001─just after we completed our original Bangladesh diaries─Grameen’s management was ready to roll out a series of new and modified products, which it called “Grameen II.” The rollout proved successful ( ... ).  The process shows the possibilities for building on the perspectives that we’ve developed in the previous chapters.

   ( ... ... )

   To understand the developments from the point of view of the clients, we ran a special set of financial diaries in Bangladesh in 2002-2005. The diaries show that several of the insights generated by the original diaries and set out in the preceding chapters are─quite independently─being used to develop workable new products by Bangladeshi institutions as their understanding of the market improves. As there are now approximately 20 million microfinance customers in Bangladesh, this is no trivial development.

Organized Finance for the Poor  (p. 180/189)

Grameen II  (p. 182/191)

The Grameen II Diaries  (p. 185/194)

Managing Cash Flow with Passbook Savings  (p. 187/196)

Managing Cash Flow and Forming Large Sums with More Flexible Loans  (p. 189/198)

The Use of Microfinance Loans  (p. 192/201)

Accumulating Large Sums in Commitment Savings Accounts  (p. 195/204)

Grameen III?  (p. 199/208)

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