
2016년 5월 19일 목요일

Dic: sample sentences to try to feel something of English tenses

Just recording sample sentences through which I may try to feel how English tenses are working.

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  • His conclusion was that "the experience of the last two decades has frustrated the expectations that we had a good fix on the policies that promote growth."
The flow of tenses:  past, present perfect, past, present.
Let's compare it with some other probable sentences as below:
  • His conclusion is that "the current developments frustrate the expectations that we have a good fix on the policies that promote growth."
  • His conclusion is that "the current developments have frustrated the expectations that we have a good fix on the policies that promote growth."
  • His conclusion is that "the current developments have frustrated the expectations that we had a good fix on the policies that promote growth."

  • The post-1880 takeoff on Greene Street also owed a lot to an earlier wave of Jewish immigrations from Germany in the 1840s and 1850s. The immigrants at first settled on the Lower East Side and had started as tailors or sellers of used clothing. The next generation produced more entrepreneurs, who pioneered a new industry below Fourteenth Street: garment manufacturing. It would now explode on Greene Street.

  • What we didn't catch was just how awful it would be. They had assumed that, thanks to the new generation of complex financial products, risks had been spread over so many points that the system as a whole was stable.
  • They have assumed until now that, thanks to the new generation of complex financial products, risks have been spread over so many points that the system as a whole is stable.


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