
2015년 4월 22일 수요일

[강연자료: Owen Barder's] Complexity Theory and Development Policy

자료: http://www.cgdev.org/event/complexity-theory-and-development-policy (Feb 5, 2013)
발표자: Owen Barder, Senior Fellow and Director for Europe, Center for Global Development

※ 요약 및 발췌:

( ... ) Using ideas from complexity theory, Owen Barder will argue that development is a property of an economic and social system, not the sum of what happens to the people within it. Drawing on the understanding of complex adaptive systems in physics and biology, Barder will address important policy implications for policymakers who want to bring about faster development in their own country, or to help other countries to make faster progress. ( ... )

CF. Emergent Properties

CF. Emergent Properties (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

CF. 창발성의 철학적 개념과 사회과학 방법론 (민병원/나정민 | 제1회 복잡계 컨퍼런스, 2006년 12월)

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