
2014년 12월 18일 목요일

[자료: S. Herbert Frankel's] “United Nations Primer for Development” (QJE, 1952)

S. Herbert Frankel (1952).“United Nations Primer for Development,” The Quarterly Journal of Economics 66, no. 3 (August 1952)

CF. Gerald M. Meier (2004). Biography of a Subject: An Evolution of Development Economics. Oxford University Press.

CF. Devesh Kapur, John Prior Lewis, Richard Charles Webb (1997). The World Bank: History. Brookings Institution Press.

CF. Louis Emmerij (2005). "How Has the UN Faced up to Development Challenges?" Forum for Development Studies, No.1, 2005.

CF. William Easterly ed.(2008). Reinventing Foreign Aid.

CF. Gerald M. Meier(1985). "Introduction:The Formative Period."

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