
2014년 10월 13일 월요일

[메모] indy entrepreneurs, artists ... gentrification

A. Artists and indy entrepreneurs are the pioneers for urban renewal
Cheap rent attracts the artists and artists attract the galleries and coffee shops and it attracts more and more people to live in the area. Then high density mixed housing like condos and student housing etc. The city can really help out by putting in streetcars to serve stimulate more people to live in the area.

B. That's not how gentrification works. Impoverished artists move into low rent areas...
The middle and upper class population fund these artists and that then creates a community of wealth consumption generally in the form of bars and restaurants. Which gives incentive for the local police to provide a greater presence along the periphery of these zones of wealth. This drives out lower income residents (read:minorities) further incentivizing upwardly mobile white people to move in. This increases property values, driving up rent and property tax. Poor minorities, who see no job benefits from this movement, can no longer afford to live there and have to move out.
Increased rent further incentivizes the immigration of upwardly mobile persons, encouraging greater policing, the destruction of low income housing and the driving out, through economic and social prejudice, of poor minorities.

This is gentrification. It does not help poor minority communities. It blows them apart.

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