
2014년 1월 11일 토요일

[책] Money: The Unauthorized Biography (Felix Martin, 2013)

출처: Felix Martin (2013), Money: The Unauthorized Biography, Bodley Head (6 Jun 2013)
자료: Amazon ; ...

주요 차례:
1. What is Money?  (1)
2. Getting Money's Measure  (31)
3. The Aegean Invention of Economic Value  (50)
4. Financial Sovereignty and Monetary Insurrection  (66)
5. The Birth of the Money Interest  (81)
6. The Natural History of the Vampire Squid  (95)
7. The Great Monetary Settlement  (109)
8. The Economic Consequences of Mr Locke  (122)
9. Money Through the Looking-Glass  (138)
10. Strategies of the Sceptics  (152)
11. Structural Solutions  (168)
12. Hamlet Without the Price: How Economics Forgot Money...  (188)
13. ... and Why it is a Problem  (209)
14. How to Turn the Locusts into Bees  (227)
15. The Boldest Measures are the Safest  (248)
16. Taking Money Seriously  (263)
Notes  (281)
Bibliography  (305)
Acknowledgements (313)
* * *

What is Money? ... and Why Does it Matter? (Felix Martin, Nov 2013)

Gold Rush: A good guide to the stuff in our pockects (The Economist, May 2013)

Money: The Unauthorised Biography by Felix Martin – review (Ian Birrell, The Observer, Jun 2013)

Money: The Unauthorised Biography by Felix Martin – review (David Priestland, The Guardian, Jun 2013)

Money by Felix Martin, review (Noel Malcolm, The Telegraph, Jun 2013)


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