
2013년 11월 19일 화요일

[책: Lietaer & Dunne's] Rethinking Money: How New Currencies Turn Scarcity into Prosperity (2013)

지은이: Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne
출처: Rethinking Money: How New Currencies Turn Scarcity into Prosperity (Berret-Koehler, 2013)
자료: http://www.bkconnection.com/static/Rethinking_Money_EXCERPT.pdf

※ 차례 (Contents):

Foreword (by John Perkins)

Introduction: From Scarcity to Prosperity within a Generation  (1)

Part I:  Scarcity
  • 1. The Failure of Money: The Competitive Society  (11)
  • 2. The Myth of Money: What It Really Is  (23)
  • 3. A Fate Worse Than Debt: Interest's Hidden Consequences  (37)
Part II: Prosperity
  • 4. The Flying Fish: A New Perspective on Money  (57)
  • 5. The Future Has Arrived But Isn't Distributed Evenly ... Yet!  (73)
  • 6. Strategies for Banking  (95)
  • 7. Strategies for Business and Entrepreneurs  (119)
  • 8. Strategies for NGOs  (159)
Part III: Rethinking Money
  • 10. Truth and Consequences: Lessons Learned  (175)
  • 11. Governance and We, the Citizens: An Ancient Future?  (187) 
  • 12. Our Available Future: The Cooperative Society   (203)
  • 13. Rethinking Money: From Scarcity to Sustainable Abundance  (215)
Notes  (225)
Bibliography  (241)

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