
2013년 11월 4일 월요일

[책: Heiner Ganβmann, ed] New Approaches to Monetary Theory: Interdisciplinary Perspective (2010)

출처: Heiner Ganβmann (ed), New Approaches to Monetary Theory: Interdisciplinary Perspective (Routledge, 2011[2010])

※ 차례 (Contents):

1. Introduction: money puzzles (Heiner Ganssmann)

2. The role and the place of money and credit in the economy of Ancient Mesopotamia (Johannes Renger)

3. The Greek invention of money (Richard Seaford)

4. Explaining the origin of money: interdisciplinary perspectives (N. Emrah Aydinonat)

5. Weber’s ‘last theory of capitalism’ and heterodox approaches to money and finance (John Smithin)

6. Money and sovereignty: a comparison between Hobbes and modern money theory (Jean Cartelier)

7. Statistical mechanics approach to the probability distribution of money (Victor M. Yakovenko)

8. Money, credit and the structures of social action (Heiner Ganssmann)

9. Money, liquidity and price (Bruce G. Carruthers)

10. Understanding modern money: how a sovereign currency works (L. Randall Wray)

11. Monetary equivalence and functionalism: implications for central banking (Dick Bryan and Mike Rafferty)

12. From Marx to Minsky: the universal equivalent, finance to production and the deepening of the real subsumption of labour under capital in money manager capitalism (Riccardo Bellofiore)

13. Money, expectations, physics and financial markets: paradigmatic alternatives in economic thinking 
( Hansjörg Herr)

14. The second end of laissez-faire: the bootstrapping nature of money and the inherent instability of capitalism (Katsuhito Iwai)

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