
2013년 11월 4일 월요일

[메모] 2000년대 중엽 전후부터 발간된 (새로운 패러다임의) 화폐·금융 이론 저술들

2000년대 중엽 전후부터, 특히 2007~08년 금융위기를 겪은 뒤로 화폐와 금융─아마도 통화제도와 금융정책의 전제가 되는 화폐/신용의 개념이나 화폐시스템의 틀과 같은 기본 요소들을 근원적으로 다시 생각하려는 이론적 논의들이 수많은 서적으로 발간되는 듯한 움직임이 엿보인다. 그리고 이론적 틀을 토대로 화폐시스템의 개혁, 지역화폐(보조화폐)의 창출, 재정·금융 정책의 수정 등을 주제로 좀 더 구체적인 제안을 하는 논의들도 눈에 띈다. 작정하고 찾는 것은 아니지만, 발견하는 대로 메모해 봄.
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▷ The Finance Franchise (Robert C. Hockett & Saule T. Omarova | Cornell Legal Studies Research Paper No. 16-29, Aug 2016)

▷ Eric Tymoigne (2016). Money and Banking lectures─

▷ Richard A. Werner:
▷ Frans Doorman (2015). Our Money: Towards a new monetary system. Foundation Our Money.

▷ Margrit Kennedy, Bernard Lietaer, John Rogers (2012). People Money: The Promise of Regional Currencies. Triarchy Press Limited, 2012 ─English translation from 2004 German book Regionalwährungen by Margrit Kennedy and Bernard Lietaer

▷ Nigel Dodd (2014). The Social Life of Money. Princeton University Press. [차례]

▷ Ann Pettifor (2014). Just Money: How Society Can Break The Despotic Power of Finance. Prime: LSE Review;

▷ Charles Eisenstein (2011). Sacred Economics: Money, Gift & Society in the Age of Transition. North Atlantic Books.

▷ Felix Martin (2013). Money: The Unauthorized Biography. Bodley Head (6 June 2013).

▷ Andrew Jackson & Ben Dyson (2013). Modernising Money: Why Our Monetary System is Broken, and How It Can Be Fixed. Positive Money.

▷ Bernard Lietaer and Jacqui Dunne (2013). Rethinking Money: How New Currencies Turn Scarcity into Prosperity. Berret-Koehler.

▷ Faruk Ülgen et al. (2013). New Contributions to Monetary Analysis: The Foundations of an Alternative Economic Paradigm.

▷ Michael Hudson (2012). The Bubble and Beyond: The Road from Industrial Capitalism to Finance Capitalism and Debt Peonage: Essays on Fictitious Capital, Debt Deflation and the Global Crisis.  ISLET.

▷ L.Randall Wray(2012). Modern Money Theory: A Primer on Macroeconomics for Sovereign Monetary Systems.

▷ L. Randall Wray et al. (2012). Theories of Money and Banking, I & II.

▷ Heiner Ganßmann (2012). Doing Money: Elementary Monetary Theory from a Sociological Standpoint.

▷ Josh Ryan-Collins (2011). Where Does Money Come From?: A Guide to the UK Monetary and Banking System, (New Economics Foundation): Amazon, Google books, ...

▷ Heiner Ganβmann et al. (2010). New Approaches to Monetary Theory: Interdisciplinary Perspective.

▷ Philip Arestis & Malcolm C. Sawyer (2006). A Handbook of Alternative Monetary Economics.

▷ Geoffrey Ingham (2004). The Nature of Money.

▷ L. Randall Wray et al. (2004). Credit and State Theories of Money: The Contributions of A. Mitchell Innes.

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CF. 관련 자료들

▷ A. Mitchell Innes (1913). “What Is Money”, Banking Law Journal, vol. 30 (May). 377-409.

▷ A. Mitchell Innes (1914). “The Credit Theory of Money”, Banking Law Journal, vol. 31(Dec/Jan). 151-168.

▷ Neil Wilson, Modern Money Matters

▷ Michael Rowbotham (1998), The grip of death: a study of modern money, debt slavery, and destructive economics (Jon Carpenter) : GoogleBooks;

▷ L. Randall Wray (1998), Understanding Modern Money: The Key to Full Employment and Price Stability (Edward Elgar): GoogleBooks;

▷ Gwendolyn Hallsmith & Bernard Lietaer(2011), Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies (New Society Publishers)

▷ Bernard Lietaer & Stephen Belgin (2011), New Money for a New World (Qiterra Press)

John Boik (2012). Creating Sustainable Societies: The Rebirth of Democracy and Local Economies. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform: Amazon,

▷ Louis Even (1946). Sous le Signe de l'Abondance. Une conception nouvelle de l'économie: le Crédit Social ( English Translation )

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