
2013년 10월 14일 월요일

[책] A Handbook of Alternative Monetary Economics (2006)

출처: Philip Arestis,Malcolm C. Sawyer (eds), A Handbook of Alternative Monetary Economics (Edward Elgar 2006)
자료: 구글도서 



1. Money: an alternative story / Eric Tymoigne and L. Randall Wray  (1)

2. Endogenous money: accommodationist / Marc Lavoir  (17)

3. Endogenous money: structuralist / Sheila C. Dow  (35)

4. The endogeneity of money: empirical evidence / Peter Howells  (52)

5. Chartalism and the tax-driven approach to money / Pavlina R. Tcherneva  (69)

6. French circuit theory / Claude Gnos  (87)

7. The Italian circuitist approach / Riccardo Realfonzo  (105)

8. The theory of money emmissions  /Sergio Rossi  (121)

9. Keynes and money / Paul Davidson  (139)

10. Minsky on financial instability / Elisabetta De Antoni  (154)

11. Kalecki on money and finance / Malcom Sawyer  (172)

12. Karl Marx's theory of money and credit / Suzanne de Brunhoff and Duncan K. Foley  (188)

13. Transmission mechanism of monetary policy: a critical review / Greg Hannsgen  (205)

14. Monetary policy / James Forder  (224)

15. Monetary policy in an endogenous money economy / Thomas I. Palley  (242)

16. Central bank and lender of last resort / Michael Knittel, Sybille Sovezak and Peter Sphan  (258)

17. The theory of interest rates / John Smithin  (273)

18. The role of banks in the context of economic development with reference to South Korea and India / Santonu Basu  (291)

19. Credit rationing / Roy J. Rotheim  (307)

20. Liquidity preference theory / Jorg Bibow  (328)

21. Financial liberalization and the relationship between finance and growth / Philip Arestis  (346)

22. Deregulation / Dorene Isenberg  (365)

23. Banking and financial crises / Gray A. Dymski  (385)

24. A post-Keynesian analysis of financial crisis in the developing world and directions for reform / Ilene Grabel  (403)

25. Financial bubbles / Mark Hayes  (420)

26. Keynesian uncertainty and money / Giuseppe Fontana  (438)

27. Speculation, liquidity preference and monetary circulation / Korkut A. Erturk  (454)

28. Money and inflation / Matias Vernengo  (471)

29. Interest and money: the property explanation / Gunnar Heinsohn and Otto Steiger  (490)

Index (509)

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