
2013년 8월 9일 금요일

[차례 및 일부 독서노트: Hayek's] The Pure Theory of Capital

출처: F.A. Hayek (Lawrence H. White 편집), Collected Works of F.A. Hayek, vol. 12: The Pure Theory of Capital, 2007년 재판.

※ 차례: 

Part Ⅰ: Introductory
  • 1 The Scope of the Inquiry | 2 Equilibrium Analysis and the Capital Problem | 3 The Significance of Analysis in Real Terms | 4 The Relations of This Study to the Current Theories of Capital | 5 Nature of the Capital Problem | 6 The Duration of the Process of Production and The Durability of Goods: Some Definitions | 7 Capital and The "Subsistence Fund"
Part Ⅱ: Investment in a Simple Economy
  • 8 The Output Function and The Input Function | 9 The Continuous Process of Production | 10 The Position of Durable Goods in the Investment Structure | 11 The Productivity of Investment | 12 Planning for a Constant Output Stream | 13 Compound Interest and the Instantaneous Rate of Interest | 14 The Marginal Productivity of Investment and the Rate of Interest | 15 Input, Output, and The Stock of Capital in Value Terms | 16 The Marginal Value Product of Investment: The Problem of Attribution (Imputation) | 17 Time Preference and its Effects with Constant Returns on Investment | 18 Time Preference and Productivity: Their Relative Importance 
Part Ⅲ: Capitalistic Production in a Competitive Community
  • 19 The General Condition of Equilibrium | 20 The Accumulation of Capital | 21 The Effect of the Accumulation of Capital on the Quantities Produced and on Relative Prices of Different Commodities | 22 The Adjustment of the Capital Structure to Foreseen Changes | 23 The Effects of Unforeseen Changes and in Particular Inventions | 24 The Mobility of Capital | 25 "Saving", "Investment", and the "Consumption of Capital"
Part Ⅳ: The Rate of Interest in a Money Economy
Appendix 1: Time Preference and Productivity
Appendix 2: The "Conversion of Circulating Capital into Fixed Capital"

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