
2013년 3월 7일 목요일

Dic: give ground

  • I approached the barking dog, but it wouldn't give ground.
  • When I argue with Mary, she never gives ground.
  • The dispute is set to continue for some time as neither side seems willing to give ground.
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■ give ground
  1. Lit. to retreat, yielding land or territory. 
  2. Fig. to "retreat" from an idea or assertion that one has made. 
■ give ground : to change your opinions or your demands in a discussion or argument so that it becomes easier to make an agreement

■ ground
  • (7) a position or viewpoint, as in an argument or controversy (esp in the phrases give ground, hold, stand, or shift one's ground)
  • (8) position or advantage, as in a subject or competition (esp in the phrases gain ground, lose ground, etc.)
■ Ground is used in expressions such as gain ground, lose ground, and give ground in order to indicate that someone gets or loses an advantage. (JOURNALISM)
  • There are signs that the party is gaining ground in the latest polls...
  • The US dollar lost more ground.
.... McGraw-Hill Idioms, Cambridge Idioms, Collins, Cobuild

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