
2013년 3월 24일 일요일

Dic: do something good by someone (or something): a usage of the preposition ‘by’

  • We know ... that those companies that we are hiring for are perhaps not going to do the right things by these young people. 
  • [T]heir staff were empowered to do the right things by clients. 
  • It seems clear that rather than the end of the world we face a transition from an old World into a new; a World that we can create and cultivate in choosing to do the right things by our people and by our planet. 
  • [cf] Those who try to do the right things by the Light are given minor roles at best.
  • "People chose to sell these companies, and once they chose to sell them, it's not necessarily going to be the same," Hearn says. "But we pray about these things, and we seek counsel, and we do the right things by people." 
  • I too am a stepmom who has tried to do the right thing by my husband[']s son but I always get the shaft. 
  • Had Eisenhower eased up a fraction, Nixon might have sailed to victory. ... It was a hard lesson that all subsequent presidents learned: success at the ballot box comes from managing the economy to bring the business cycle into line with the four-year electoral cycle. Those who dared to "do the right thing" by the budget deficit would be doomed.


1. QUESTION: "A gentleman should be generous to those who have done well by him." I cannot understand the use of the preposition "by" in this case.

  • It is idiomatic. It means "to those who have been kind to him."
  • It's a set expression, although it's quite old-fashioned and formal. From the MacMillan Dictionary: ["do well by someone" to treat someone in a fair or generous way. The President called on companies to do well by their employees.]

2. do well by sb: [informal] to treat someone generously. ..... LDOCE

3. do well by someone: to treat someone in a fair or generous way. ... Macmillan
  • The president called on companies to do well by their employees. 

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