2012년 9월 28일 금요일
Search# retire in favor of somebody
Sony Walkman to Retire in Favor of Digital Music Players::: Sony walkman users are to become a thing of the past. Sony is sending its cassette tape Walkman into retirement in Japan as demand for a music player that was ground-breaking in its day dwindles to a tiny niche in the era of digital technology.Sony stopped Japanese production of the portable music player in April and sales will end once the last batch disappears from stores, company spokeswoman Hiroko Nakamura said Monday. (...)
International Trotskyism, 1929-1985: A Documented Analysis of the Movement::: With the election comin shortly after Hitler's annexation of Austria, Popular Front sentiment tended to be running high on the left. Goves was under considerable pressure to retire in favor of the candidate of the Liberals, who had always run second in the consttuency. Groves resisted this pressure and carried on a very active campaign. (...)
Thomas Andrew Luken (b. July 9, 1925, Cincinnati, Ohio) is a politician of the Democratic Party from Ohio::: In 1983, Luken and Gradison swapped districts as a result of the 1980 census, with Luken's district being renumbered as the 1st District. He did not run for an eighth term in 1990, opting instead to retire in favor of his son, Cincinnati mayor Charlie Luken, who won a term to his father's former seat. (...)
A New History of German Literature::: Fourteen years had passed since the defeat and collapse of the Nazi regime when Guenter Grass's novel ^Die Blechtrommel^(The Tin Drum) appeared to spectacular success in 1959. But the pat still cast a dark shadow over German life and politics. (...) The currency reform of 1948 had sparked a remarkable economic recovery, but one of the principal effects of this ^Wirtschaftswunder^ (economic miracle) was to blunt the memory of the past and encourage people to turn a blind eye to the activities of neo-Nazi elements and the National Democratic Party, which gained considerable strength in the 1960s. Finally, the now aged chancellor's refusal to yield to those in his party who wished him to retire in favor of a more vigorous leader spread an air of disenchantment over the country; new ideas and initiatives were postponed, and government authority suffered in consequence. Grass's novel was informed by all of these circumstances and tendencies.
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