
2012년 9월 10일 월요일

Dic: visit (as assail, afflict, punish)

  • The judge visited his full anger upon the defendant.
  • God's wrath will be visited on sinners.
  • The sins of the ancestors were visited on their descendants.
  • The sins of the fathers are visited upon the children

4) (tr) (of a disease, disaster, etc.) to assail; afflict
5) (tr; foll by upon or on) to inflict (punishment, etc.) ex) the judge visited his full anger upon the defendant
6) (tr; usually foll by with) archaic. to afflict or plague (with punishment, etc.)

■ visit on / [visit sth on sb/sth] phr v. △to do something to punish someone or show them that you are angry. ex) God's wrath will be visited on sinners.

8. To afflict or assail: ex) A plague visited the village.
9. To inflict punishment on or for; avenge: ex) The sins of the ancestors were visited on their descendants.

■ visit something on/upon someone/something (old use) to punish someone or something. ex) The sins of the fathers are visited upon the children (= children are blamed or suffer for what their parents have done).

... Collins, LDOCE, The American Heritage, OALD

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