
2012년 9월 2일 일요일

Dic: put someone out (one of its meanings)

■ 6 [PHRASAL VERB] V n P △If you put someone out, you cause them trouble because they have to do something for you.
  • I've always put myself out for others and I'm not doing it any more.
■ put out. adj. If you feel put out, you feel rather annoyed or upset.
  • I did not blame him for feeling put out...
■ put out : 1) (often passive) a) to annoy; anger. b) to confound or disturb; confuse

■ put someone out:

1. to cause someone trouble, extra work, etc. (synonym inconvenience)
  • I hope our arriving late didn't put them out.
2.[be put out] to be upset or offended
  • He was really put out.

댓글 1개:

  1. 올 ㅋ 좋은 정보 잘 얻고가영ㅋ
    영어공부중인데 감사 ㅋ
