
2012년 7월 4일 수요일

메모: immiseration deprivation Marx

Here are some documents retrieved by searching immiseration deprivation Marx as of July 4, 2012.


http://www.children.gov.on.ca/htdocs/English/topics/youthandthelaw/roots/volume5/chapter05_deprivation.aspx (캐나다 어린이청소년부)

The Capitalist Labour-Process and the Body in Pain: The Corporeal Depths of Marx’s Concept of Immiseration. Historical Materialism 16 (2008) 35–66



Karl Marx (by MIchael Evans)(...) It has often been argued that the tendencies depicted in the model constructed in ^Capital^ bear little resemblance to actual historical developments. The concentration and centralisation of capitals has occurred, though not always as pervasively or as quickly as Marx was inclined to suggest. But he failed to establish a theoretical explanation of the general tendency, in the long run, of the profit rate to fall, and in any case indicated cases(for instance, a rising rate of exploitation as a consequence of a rising C:V) where the laws of the system itself, as well as extraneous factors, would act as counteracting tendencies.

It has also been much debated whether we should understand the immiseration of the working class depicted in ^Capital^ in an ^absolute^ or ^relative^ sense. The latter sense is consistent with cases where the proportion of C:V remains constant, or where V rises relative to C. In both these cases, total social capital rises by more than the rise in the worker's share. Real wages rise, but the class is relatively worse off, and suffers social or psychological deprivation rather than physical misery. The absolute sense involves real physical deprivation.

Those who choose the absolute sense argue that Marx's account implies that cases of relative immiseration are only brief interludes in a worsening sense. (...)

Requiem for Marx (Maltsev, Yuri N., Ludwig von Mises Institute)


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