
2012년 5월 31일 목요일

[자료] U.S. National Income and Product Accounts

※ NIPA의 7개 요약 계정:

1. 국내소득생산계정(domestic income and product account),
2. 민간기업소득계정(private enterprise income account)
3. 개인소득지출계정(personal income and outlay account)
4. 정부수입지출계정(government receipts and expenditures account)
5. 대외거래경상계정(foreign transactions current account)
6. 국내자본계정(domestic capital account)
7. 대외거래자본계정(foreign transactions capital account)

Table 9. Summary National Income and Product Accounts, 2006

자료 3: 다른 게시물 (OECD, 2006)

The NIPAs are one of the three major elements of the U.S. national economic accounts

(1) The NIPAs display the value and composition of national output and the distribution of incomes generated in its production. (For information on the concepts and definitions underlying the NIPAs, see “Chapter 2: Fundamental Concepts.”)

The other major elements of the U.S. national economic accounts are the industry accounts, which are also prepared by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), and the flow of funds accounts, which are prepared by the Federal Reserve Board. 

(2) The industry accounts consist of the input-output (I-O) accounts, which trace the flow of goods and services among industries in the production process and which show the value added by each industry and the detailed commodity composition of national output, and the gross domestic product (GDP) by industry accounts, which measure the contribution of each private industry and of government to GDP.1 

(3) The flow of funds accounts record the acquisition of nonfinancial and financial assets (and the incurrence of liabilities) throughout the U.S. economy, the sources of the funds used to acquire those assets, and the value of assets held and of liabilities owed.2 

In addition, BEA prepares two other sets of U.S. economic accounts: (4) the international accounts, which consist of the international transactions (balance of payments) accounts and the international investment position accounts; and (5) the regional accounts, which consist of the estimates of GDP by state and by metropolitan area, of state personal income, and of local area personal income. Finally, (6) the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics prepares estimates of productivity for the U.S. economy (which are partly based on the estimates of GDP). Altogether, the system of U.S. economic accounts presents a coherent, comprehensive, and consistent picture of U.S. economic activity.

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