
2012년 3월 24일 토요일

[자료취합] 국제수지매뉴얼 제6판 (BPM6)

기본 자료:

1. 6th Edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manua
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  - Chapter 11. Primary Income Account
The term “primary income” is introduced. Consistency between international accounts and national accounts is ensured. The meaning and relationship of primary income, property income, and investment income are clarified (paragraphs 11.1–11.3; BPM5  paragraph 267).
A detailed breakdown of investment income is introduced to link with functional and instrument classifications of financial instruments. Income on other investment and income on reserve assets are shown separately. Rent and taxes and subsidies on products and production are included explicitly as primary income items (Tables 11.1, 11.2, and 11.3; BPM5 paragraph 281). 
2. 국제수지표 계정 분류 양식 발췌:

3. Revision of the Fifth Edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual (January 2007)

※ 보도자료 및 교육자료 등 부분적 자료:

1. 국제수지통계의 이해와 편제방식 개편 내용 (2011.5.20. 한은금요강좌)
    : 한은 게시판 링크, 구글검색링크

2. [보도자료] 새로운 국제수지매뉴얼(BPM6) 1단계 이행 결과 (한국은행, 2010. 12.08)
    : 한은 게시판 링크, 구글검색링크

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