
2012년 1월 17일 화요일

Search: from apple(s) to zither(s)


It's important that the article writer you choose has experience. There are two types of experienced article writers: those with experience in your specific subject, and those with experience in a wide range of subjects.

The first type is desirable, because they'll have an in-depth knowledge of your industry and may be able to bring their own knowledge and ideas to the table. A writer with a solid background in your industry starts with a base knowledge about your product and audience that other writers may not have. These are often the best choice if you need in-depth articles for an expert audience.

The second type is desirable because they're a whiz at research. A writer who's written-and written well-on everything from apples to zithers clearly loves to learn new things, and will dive into your project with enthusiasm. A talented generalist is usually very good at making complex topics easy to understand, and they're preferable if you need articles for a general audience.


Goods that are both rival and exclusive are pure private goods and tend to be efficiently provided by the marketplace. Most goods, from apples to zithers, are pure private goods. Pure public goods are both nonexclusive and nonrival. 


It’s not just a small coterie of people here who shop online, either. ComScore reported that over 60 percent of Singapore’s internet users shop online, and data from both Comscore and MasterCard last year showed that more women than men shop online.

While it’s true that consumers made nearly 60 percent of their online purchases at overseas websites, the volume on local websites is also growing.

And even though a big percentage of the purchases are still airline tickets and hotel reservations, Singaporeans buy everything from apples to zithers online. 13 percent of the shopping was for fashion items, according to a Nielsen survey, and another 13 percent was for entertainment.


Since virtually all commercial goods are moved via truck, rail, or airline, this translates into significant cost inflation for everything from apples to zithers


(...) By listing object from apple to zither, or people from archer to zany(jester), "alphabet arrays" seem to index the world, rendering it, in Patricia Crain'w words, "graspable, and most strikingly, obtainable." As such, the alphabet book "initiates the individual into that world."

... 링크

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