
2011년 10월 8일 토요일

Mirror: 어떤 예문 (most + 복수 명사)

  • As Adam Smith well knew when he protested against mercantilist policies of an earlier age, most economic systems are plagued by inefficiencies stemming from well-meaning but inexpert interferences with mechanisms of supply and demand.

When translating into Korean this kind of sentences including most followed by a plural noun, we often end up with creating a target text which rather corresponds to quite a different source text like below:
  • As Adam Smith well knew  when he protested against mercantilist policies of an earlier age, large part of an economic system is plagued by inefficiencies stemming from well-meaning but inexpert interferences with mechanisms of supply and demand.
or  like this:
  • (As Adam Smith ...) economic systems are considerably plagued by inefficiencies stemming from well-meaning but inexpert interferences with mechanisms of supply and demand.

This is quite a tricky matter. So I feel I should be careful.

※ TransMIrror: ...
  • 대부분(大部分). 결국 큰 부분 혹은 많은 부분.

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