2011년 8월 30일 화요일
A reference about the definition of agriculture
자료 (source): http://meeting.helcom.fi/c/document_library/get_file?folderId=76562&name=DLFE-30931.pdf
※ 발췌:
After discussion between Denmark and Sweden, a first proposal was presented in the WGAmeeting at Helsinki, 12-13 October 2000:
The use of land for production of food, fodder, fibre, energy, medicine, etc and
for grazing (landscape preservation).
- Need of minimum level? …..(one grazing horse)
- What about animals kept for other purposes than mentioned above, for
example riding schools, stables on racecourses, circuses, pet breeding
- Nutrient losses from horticulture???
This draft suggests a lower limit for what is agriculture and what is not. Sweden and Denmark think this is necessary so that non-commercial home gardens are excluded from the recommendations. A possible lower limit could be units with 0.5 hectare arable land and/or an animal stock of 5 animal units. Thus agriculture activities are businesses with more than 0.5 hectare arable land and/or more than 5 animal units. One animal unit is one milking cow; two horses or three sows with pigs and porkers etc. (see appendix to HELCOM Recommendation 13/7).
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