■ TV dinner는 TV를 보면서 먹는 음식이란 뜻으로 미리 조리해놓은 것을 냉동시켜 만든 즉석 식품(instant food)를 말합니다.
■ The name TV dinner came from the shape of the tray it was served on.[2] The main entrée was in a bigger compartment on one side of the tray and the vegetables lined up in smaller compartments on the other side. The arrangement was similar to that of the front panels of a 1950s television set: a screen on the left and speakers and control on the right. There were other theories about the name of the TV dinner. One reason was that early packaging featured the image of a TV set. Another was that many families would eat these in front of a TV set.
... 자료: Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TV_dinner
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