
2010년 12월 13일 월요일

Dic: majority, great majority

※ ‘(a/the) great majority’는 ‘상당수’가 아니라 ‘대다수’.

■ majority:
1. The greater number or part; a number more than half of the total. (The American Heritage)
1. [N-SING-COLL] usu sing, usu N of n | The majority of people or things in a group is more than half of them. (Cobuild)

■ great majority:
(...) Majority is often preceded by great (but not by greater) in expressing emphatically the sense of "most of": The great majority approved. The phrase greater majority is appropriate only when considering two majorities: He won by a greater majority in this election than in the last.

■ majority:

1. most of the people or things in a group (≠ minority)
great/vast/overwhelming majority of sth (=almost all of a group)
  • In the vast majority of cases the disease is fatal.
.... LDOCE

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