
2010년 12월 26일 일요일

Dic: hold (some of its intransitve usages)

12 [VERB] V | If part of a structure holds, it does not fall or break although there is a lot of force or pressure on it.
  • How long would the roof hold?
13 [VERB] V | If laws or rules hold, they exist and remain in force.
  • These laws also hold for universities.
10 [VERB] V, V | If a good situation holds, it continues and does not get worse or fail.
  • Our luck couldn't hold for ever.
  • Would the weather hold?
11 [VERB] V | If an argument or theory holds, it is true or valid, even after close examination.
  • Today, most people think that argument no longer holds.
..... Cobuild

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