
2011년 1월 1일 토요일

Manipulation of media in the marketing society

자료: http://www.lankarising.com/2007/12/manipulation-of-media-in-marketing.html

23 Dec 2007

※ 발췌(Excerpt):

We are living in a marketing society where everything and everyone is being sold. Media plays key role in this culture. One must knowledgeable of the mechanism of marketing and its influence in media in order to survive and not being a slave of this vicious cycle. It is important to understand that advertising is not an isolate entity but part of well organized psychological plane.



Advertisement is the ultimate targeted weapon that is well engineered by psychological experts. This is where you see a pathetic grand father dancing by mere looking at biriyani, kids cheating their mothers and friends due to greediness, hungry boyfriend behave like an aboriginal swallowing roast chicken legs in a pub in rude manner, etc. Is this the real culture in this country? Certainly this is not part of our traditional well mannered Sinhala Buddhist culture. However, this is the culture that marketing society is striving for their profits! If you are under the mental brain wash of presenters, under the influence of hints of your favorite stars in talk shows and having watched the soap tele drama just a minute ago, certainly you may accept this as the real culture that we are living. That is the person that these advertisements are targeting. (...)

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