
2010년 11월 8일 월요일

Dic: dominant and its synonyms

Synonyms: dominant, predominant, preponderant, paramount, preeminent

These adjectives mean surpassing all others in power, influence, or position.
  • Dominant applies to what exercises principal control or authority or is unmistakably ascendant:
    ... For decades, the Soviet Union was the dominant nation of eastern Europe.

  • Predominant often implies being uppermost at a particular time or for the time being:
    ... "Egrets, gulls and small mammals are the predominant wildlife on the island these days" (Dan McCoubrey).

  • Preponderant implies superiority as the result of outweighing or outnumbering all others:
    ... "No big modern war has been won without preponderant sea power" (Samuel Eliot Morison).

  • Paramount means first in importance, rank, or regard:
    ... "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union" (Abraham Lincoln).

  • Preeminent suggests generally recognized supremacy:
    ... He is the preeminent tenor of the modern era.

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