■ how come: informal (why is it that) → comment ça se fait
Note: how come is short for the phrase "How did it come to be that..."
- How come you aren't at work?
- = Tu n'es pas au travail : comment ça se fait ?
- = Comment ça se fait que tu n'es pas au travail ?
■ When how is used as a question word meaning in what way? or by what means? (how did you get here?, how will you do it?) it is almost always translated by comment:
- comment es-tu arrivé ici?;
- comment le feras-tu?
■ When how is used as a conjunction meaning the way in which it is often translated by comment:
- I don't know how they did it = je ne sais pas comment ils l'ont fait
- tell me how you make a curry = dis-moi comment on fait un curry.
■ When how is used as a conjunction meaning that it is almost always translated by que:
- he told me how he had stolen the money = il m'a dit qu'il avait volé l'argent;
- it's amazing how they survived = c'est étonnant qu'ils aient survécu.
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