
2010년 3월 4일 목요일

Dic: expect (revisiting some usages of expect as a verb)

  • He wasn't expecting our hospitality.
  • I do expect to have some time to myself in the evenings.
  • I wasn't expecting you to help.
  • Is this a rational thing to expect of your partner, or not?
  • She realizes now she expected too much of Helen.
3. VERB | If you expect something, or expect a person to do something, you believe that[:]
_ it is your right to have that thing, or
_ [it is] the person's duty to do it for you.
  • Don't expect an instant cure.
  • You cannot expect to like all the people you will work with.
  • Don't expect me to come and visit you there.
4. VERB : with brd-neg | If you tell someone not to expect something, you mean that [:]
_ the thing is unlikely to happen as they have planned or imagined, and
_ they should not hope that it will.

.... Cobuild (via Naver)

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