
2010년 2월 25일 목요일

Dic: prime someone to do something

  • Claire wished she'd primed Sarah beforehand
  • Arnold primed her for her duties.   
  • The press corps was primed to leap to the defense of the fired officials
  • They had been primed with good advice
  • She was ready and primed for action
  • He had primed his friends to give the journalists as little information as possible
VERB | If you prime someone to do something, you prepare them to do it, for example by giving them information about it beforehand.(= brief)
 ~ sb for/with sth | to prepare sb for a situation so that they know what to do, especially by giving them special information.(= brief)

... Cobuild, OALD
cf. to make sth ready for use or action
  • The bomb was primed, ready to explode.
.... OALD    

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