
2009년 12월 19일 토요일

Dic-Live: It's being done to me

Searching for some contextual elements(feelings, ideas, situation...) when it is said that "It's being done to me."

  • Man! Don’t I want to fit that square peg into a round hole, yet get angry when I think it’s being done to me. I’m constantly reminding myself to change what I can, let go of what I can’t, and know the difference. A colleague has a great expression: “not my pig, not my farm, not my problem, let it go.” 
  • I see my life collapsing around me, and I can't reconcile whether it's me causing it or if it's being done to me. On the one hand, I feel like it's all happening to me....
  • Do they subscribe to the Bill Clinton attitude: "It's being done to me, and I'm not involved. ....

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