
2009년 11월 11일 수요일

NASA facilities and Research centers

자료: Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA


NASA headquarters, located in Washington, D.C., provides overall guidance and direction to the agency.[58] NASA's Shared Services center is located on the grounds of the John C. Stennis Space Center, near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.[59] Construction of the Shared Services facility began in August 2006 and it was completed in June 2008.[59] NASA even operated its own railroad at Kennedy Space Flight Center. Various field and research installations are listed below by application. Some facilities serve more than one application for historic or administrative reasons.

[edit]Research centers

The JPL complex in Pasadena, California

[edit]Test facilities

[edit]Construction and launch facilities

[edit]Deep Space Network

[edit]Tourism and museum facilities

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