
2009년 11월 24일 화요일

Dic: buy in, buy into (ordinary sense not for stock exchange)

  • 1: I bought into a company that makes dog food.
  • 1: Sounds like a good company. I would like to buy in.
  • 2: The committee liked my proposal and decided to buy into my plan.
  • 2: Do you think you can get the whole board to buy in?
buy in (to something):
1. Lit. to purchase shares of something; to buy a part of something the ownership of which is shared with other owners.
2. Fig. to agree with; to accept an idea as worthwhile.

VERB | If you buy an idea or a theory, you believe and accept it.[INFORMAL] (=buy into)
  • I'm not buying any of that nonsense.
  • I bought into the popular myth that when I got the new car or the next house, I'd finally be happy.

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