
2009년 11월 30일 월요일

Dic: appreciate (other than its economic sense)

1. VERB | If you appreciate something, for example a piece of music or good food, you like it because you recognize its good qualities.

  • CE | To value highly : to appreciate Shakespeare
  • AH | To recognize the quality, significance, or magnitude of: appreciated their freedom.
  • AH | To admire greatly; value.
2. VERB | If you appreciate a situation or problem, you understand it and know what it involves.
  • CE | (may take a clause as object) to take full or sufficient account of: to appreciate a problem.
  • AH | To be fully aware of or sensitive to; realize: I appreciate your problems.
3. VERB | If you appreciate something that someone has done for you or is going to do for you, you are grateful for it.
  • CE | to feel thankful or grateful for: to appreciate a favour.
  • AH | To be thankful or show gratitude for: I really appreciate your help.
..... Cobuild, CE(Collins English), AH(The American Heritage)
  • In time you'll appreciate the beauty and subtlety of this language.
  • She never really appreciated the depth and bitterness of the Irish conflict.
  • He appreciates that co-operation with the media is part of his professional duties.
  • Peter stood by me when I most needed it. I'll always appreciate that.
  • I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't mention it.

Synonyms: Appreciate, Value, Prize(1), Esteem, Treasure, Cherish

These verbs mean to have a highly favorable opinion of someone or something.
  • Appreciate applies especially to high regard based on critical assessment, comparison, and judgment:
    ... As immigrants, they appreciated their newfound freedom.
  • Value implies high regard for the importance or worth of the object:
    ... "In principle, the modern university values . . . the free exchange of ideas . . ." (Eloise Salholz).
  • Prize often suggests pride of possession:
    ... "the nonchalance prized by teen-agers" (Elaine Louie).
  • Esteem implies respect:
    ... "If he had never esteemed my opinion before, he would have thought highly of me then" (Jane Austen).
  • Treasure and cherish stress solicitous care and affectionate regard:
    ... We treasure our freedom.
    ... "They seek out the Salish Indian woman . . . to learn the traditions she cherishes" (Tamara Jones).

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