
2009년 8월 29일 토요일

Dic: incumbent (upon someone to do something)

  • I felt it was incumbent on us all to help.
  • It is incumbent on them to pay their own debts.
  • It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.
Latin incumbere: to lie upon.
incumbent-: from Latin, present participle of incumbere.
Middle English, holder of an office from Medieval Latin incumbens.
adj 1. Imposed as an obligation or duty; obligatory.
adj 2. Lying, leaning, or resting on something else: incumbent rock strata.
adj 3. Currently holding a specified office: the incumbent mayor.
noun. A person who holds an office or ecclesiastical benefice: The incumbent was reelected to another term.

..... The American Heritage, Collins Essential, Cobuild

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