
2009년 2월 26일 목요일


1. dispose of:
  a. to throw away
  b. to give, sell, or transfer to another
  c. to deal with or settle: I disposed of that problem right away.
  d. to kill

2. to arrange or place in a particular way: around them are disposed the moulded masks of witch doctors. [Latin disponere to set in different places]
cf. dispense with: to do away with or manage without.
USAGE: Dispense with is sometimes wrongly used where dispose of is meant: 
this task can be disposed of (not dispensed with) quickly and easily.

1. give, sell, or transfer to another; "She disposed of her parents' possessions"
2. throw or cast away; "Put away your worries"
  • = cast aside, cast away, chuck out, discard, throw away, toss away, toss out, throw out, cast out, put away, fling, toss
3. make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief; "Their language inclines us to believe them" 
  • = incline
4. place or put in a particular order; "the dots are unevenly disposed"
5. make fit or prepared; "Your education qualifies you for this job"
  • = qualify
.... Thesaurus/WordNet3.0

If you dispose of something that you no longer want or need, you throw it away.
  • the safest means of disposing of nuclear waste.
If you dispose of a problem, task, or question, you deal with it.
  • You did us a great favour by disposing of that problem
  • =  resolve   
1. ADJ : v-link ADJ to-inf
If you are disposed to do something, you are willing or eager to do it.[FORMAL]
  • I might have been disposed to like him in other circumstances.   
  • =  inclined   
2. ADJ : adv ADJ, usu v-link ADJ, usu ADJ to/towards n
You can use disposed when you are talking about someone's general attitude or opinion. For example, if you are well or favourably disposed to someone or something, you like them or approve of them.[FORMAL]
  • I saw that the publishers were well disposed towards my book.

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