
2009년 2월 28일 토요일

cast of mind, cast one's mind, cast something out of one's mind

cast : (Am-Heritage) 15. An inclination; tendency: 
  • her thoughtful cast of mind.

cast:  (다음영어사전) 5.(보통 a ~) (얼굴 생김새·성질 등의) 특색, 기질: 
  • a cast of countenance [mind] 얼굴 생김새[마음씨]

  • He has an unusual cast of mind. (출처: OALD) 
  • Brunswik's cast of mind compelled him to fit together with precision his conceptual framework, his methodology, and his views of the history of psychology. (출처: Wikipedia) 
  • His nature writings are distinguished by a poetic and philosophical cast of mind and are scientifically scrupulous. (출처: Wikipedia) 
  • Cast out of your mind any thoughts of baguettes sliced lengthwise, smeared with garlic butter and wrapped in foil. (출처: The Independent) 
  • Garrison Keillor's last full-length fictional trip to Lake Wobegon occurred in 2001, when he cast his mind back to the town in the summer of 1956. (출처: Herald Tribune) 

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