
2009년 1월 13일 화요일

Usage Note: Critique

Critique has been used as a verb meaning "to review or discuss critically" since the 18th century, but lately this usage has gained much wider currency, in part because the verb criticize, once neutral between praise and censure, is now mainly used in a negative sense. But this use of critique is still regarded by many as pretentious jargon, although resistance appears to be weakening. 
  • In our 1997 ballot, 41 percent of the Usage Panel rejected the sentence "As mock inquisitors grill him, top aides take notes and critique the answers with the President afterward." 
  • Ten years earlier, 69 percent disapproved of this same sentence. 
  • Resistance is still high when a person is critiqued: 60 percent of the Usage Panel rejects its use in the sentence "Students are taught how to do a business plan and then are critiqued on it." 
Thus, it may be preferable to avoid this word. There is no exact synonym, but in most contexts one can usually substitute go over, review, or analyze.
  • Note, however, that critique is widely accepted as a noun in a neutral context; 86 percent of the Panel approved of its use in the sentence "The committee gave the report a thorough critique and found it both informed and intelligent."
... The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

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