
2009년 1월 15일 목요일

The Open Source Reader (Compilation By:Felipe Csaszar)

자료: http://www.members.tripod.com/colla/mental/skills/The_Open_Source_Reader.pdf

※ Introduction:

Open Source, to free the source code of an application, is a radical concept. At first sight it seems anti economic. Because people are “rational” (in an economic sense), it should not be something very successful or extended.
Reality shows exactly the opposite, thousands of high quality programs are free. Each year we see more and more software joining the free software pool. The quality of several open source systems is widely recognized and in many cases outperforms its commercial counterparts.
Notorious examples of high quality open source applications are the Linux kernel, the GNU compiler suite, Apache, Sendmail, KDE, Gnome and StarOffice. Together, these programs makes Linux a leader in the sever arena, and make a step towards being a prominent player in the desktop, handheld and appliance markets.
To fully understand the Open Source philosophy, origins and applications, requires reading some key material.
The motivation for making this compilation was to put into one package everything is needed to understand the Open Source Software Movement. I developed an earlier version of this compilation for myself, to have food for thought while on a short vacation. Lately this compilation has been beta tested by two classes of Computer Science students of the Universidad de Chile and Universidad Católica, during a course on Internet Entrepreneurship I taught.
This file is a compact PDF, which allows for easy on-screen reading, printing and emailing. I also made an effort to typeset everything so that it is readable. It has a consistent layout across sections, a minimum number of pages and a Table of Contents.
Please feel free to expand this virus.... make other people understand what is Open Source Software is and how best to use it.
Enjoy your reading,
Felipe Csaszar

※ Contents:

[1] The Cathedral and the Bazaar
[2] Homesteading the Noosphere
[3] The Magic Cauldron
..................By Eric S. Raymond
[4] Halloween 1
[5] Halloween 2
..............By Microsoft Staff, commented by Eric S. Raymond
[6] The GNU Manifesto
[7] GNU General Public License
................. By Richard Stallman
[8] The Cluetrain Manifesto
............... By Christopher Locke, et al.
[9] Free Software Leaders Stand Together
................. By Bruce Perens, et al.
[10] Suggested Web Sites

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