
2009년 1월 19일 월요일

hold up a mirror to something or someone

Holding up a mirror: 

I´ve got problems with this phrase. Can anybody help me? 
The context is as follows:

It is a memoir from a writer who is well-known for holding up a mirror to reflect Ireland, both past and present.


Re: Holding up a mirror
I think both phrases literally mean the same thing, but in this case, to actively "hold up a mirror to reflect" suggests that this writer makes a special concerted effort to reflect Ireland, that he works hard at it, or that he has made it his specialty. Hope that helps - who is the writer, by the way?

Re: Holding up a mirror
That would be my understanding too. If you hold a mirror up to something it changes the way you see things. You may well look at it more objectively and focus on things that you might otherwise might ignore.

Re: Holding up a mirror
And possibly it implies that there is some unpleasantness involved, like Ireland was trying NOT to see it's reflection, was avoiding examining some unpleasant aspect of itself, until this author held up the mirror.
Does that fit or am I going to far?

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